Vote for Alowishus!
Help us win the title of Countrywide Cafe Of The Year and we’ll donate a total of $10,000 to two of your favourite charities or causes in our local community!
Help us win the title of Countrywide Cafe Of The Year and we’ll donate a total of $10,000 to two of your favourite charities or causes in our local community!
At Alowishus, we love supporting organisations that do GREAT things in and beyond our community. Last year, with your help we won the title of Countrywide Cafe Of The Year. This year, we are hoping to win yet again and if we do, we will be donating a total of $10,000 to two local charities. So, to help us win and support our local community, vote for your favourite Alowishus store!
Voting ends 5:00pm AEST, 8 May 2019.
If either store of Alowishus Delicious is chosen as the winner of the Countrywide Cafe Of The Year competition, we will be donating a total of $10,000 (inclusive of GST) to two charities that have been nominated by the local community. The donation will be split evenly between the two charities. Charity nominations close 31st March 2019. Voting for Countrywide Cafe Of The Year ends 5:00pm AEST on 8th May 2019. Please vote for Alowishus Delicious, so we can help give back to our local community.