Takeaway cafe Bundaberg Maryborough

Do you know your ‘WHY’?

I remember being around 13 and seeing a World Vision ad on the television.  You know one. It features a little African kid with a huge distended belly. Half naked with a face full of snot and flies, looking mournful and lost.  Even as a teenager, completely self-indulgent, I remember weeping at the thought of this poor child and the suffering he was enduring.

I’ve always had a heightened sense of altruism.  Who has ever done one of those personality tests? Whenever I do one my Altruism is disproportionality off the chart. The rest of my characteristics are quite balanced. My love language is acts of service, and when my husband helps with the dishes (which is rare) my heart sings. It’s the little things for me.

When we opened Alowishus our vision, (I say ‘ours’ but the truth be told it was Michael’s alone), the vision was to create a place for people to come and meet and gather, to grow relationships and influence our community, not just for our customers, but for our team and our suppliers also.  Our company name is Tsedaqah Pty Ltd (it has a silent T as in Tsunami). It’s is a Hebrew word that translates loosely into English as Justice/Fairness/Upright Living/Integrity/Relationship.  


why we started michael tracey
In the early days

“Alowishus Delicious was established in 2011 as a place to connect with family, friends, clients and the local community.  We believe in ‘keeping things local’ and work hard to grow meaningful & lasting relationships with our staff, our suppliers and of course you, our customer. Our goal is, and always will be, to provide you with great value and outstanding service. We look forward to seeing and serving you every day.”

Our Company Vision


Local Community

We love the local community and truly believe it is the backbone of society.  The isolation of individuals which is happening is a major contributor to the degradation of society.  We have more smart devices now than ever before and yet we are more disconnected than ever before. Alowishus exists to be a ‘porch’, a place where passersby can stop for a chat and connect with a neighbour, a simple interaction that in today’s society is becoming quickly obsolete. 


Our success to date can be contributed to many things, however, one thing we do that is paramount is giving back.  I’m not sure what your beliefs are, I am Christian and believe that whatever we sow we will reap 100 fold. It doesn’t matter what you believe though, it’s a law of the universe that you get back what you give out, some call it karma.  We are born on a date, and we die on a date, and those two dates are engraved on our headstones. In between those two dates is a little dash. When I move on from this world I want my dash to represent great things, I want my dash to have impacted lives and made them better.  

How do you do it all?

I guess this is my driver to keep on keeping on.  I’m often asked ‘how do you do it all?’ Apart from the fact that I have the best team in Bundy and a super supportive family, I know what my ‘why’ is. Therefore I rarely question what I’m doing. Knowing your ‘why’ makes it easy to keep trudging when the way becomes rough. A favourite quote of mine is from Winston Churchill. “When you are going through hell, keep ongoing”. After all, why would you want to stop there?

Do you know your why? Do you want to know your why? This website will get you started

Simon Sinek did a viral TED Talk about WHY – Watch it here

Click here to read about some of the projects that Alowishus Delicious is involved in within our local community


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