Tag Archive for: coffee bundaberg

How To Make the Most of the Alowishus App

Lots of our wonderful customers have taken the brave step of embracing technology and are enjoying the rewards that come with using our app.

Now, we know there are some who just want to order and pay the traditional way and that’s perfectly fine.

But… we also know that there are some people who would love to use our app more often but just aren’t sure about a few things.

Hopefully, we can clear some of those up for you.

I’ve ordered and paid for a takeaway coffee on the app. Do I let them know at the register?

No. Just come straight to the pick-up point and wait for your order to be called. We’ll also send a text message to your phone to let you know it’s ready if you happen to get distracted on your way.

Can I ‘dine in’ and pay using the app?

Sure can. 

  • Select ‘Pay In-Store’ when the app asks how you are ordering
  • You will see a number on your screen that our staff can also see on our system to match up your order
  • Go to the register and order as usual and let the staff member know you are paying with the app

I can only order drinks on the app when I order ahead – what about food?

You can order food from our Maryborough Location.  For our Bundy Grab and Go Locations, just choose what you want in store and pay at the counter with your app. See the answer above to see how to pay with the app and earn points.  

How do I make sure the app uses my rewards credit, not my stored payment method?

So long as you have redeemed points for credit, the app will automatically use that before charging your stored payment method.

Speaking of points, there’s no page on the app that tells me what I can get for ‘X’ amount of points…

Every dollar you spend earns you 10 reward points, or part thereof.  For example, if you spend $5 you get 50 points and if you spend $4.90 you get 49 points.

Once you get to 500 points the app will prompt you to redeem your points for a $5 credit. If you don’t redeem it, you will be prompted again at 1000 points to redeem for a $10 credit.

Does that help?

If you’ve installed the app but have been feeling a bit uncertain about using it, we hope that clears a few things up and gives you the confidence to go ahead and start earning points.

If you haven’t installed our app yet, go ahead and do it, there’s a nice surprise waiting for you – we’ll give you a $5 credit upfront to get you started.

Of course, as always, if you want to chat with us in person, we’re always happy to help.


Order catering in Bundaberg and Maryborough https://orders.alowishus.com.au/menu


READ about the evolution of our takeaway coffee cups.

READ – 9 Coffee Puns Guaranteed To Spruce Up Your Next Coffee Date ☕️

WATCH – The day we won Triple M’s Best Coffee in Bundy!


Bundaberg Coffee where I fell in love with coffee

Bundaberg Coffee

Bundaberg Coffee. I still remember the first time I fell in love with coffee.

Previously, the sole purpose of my caffeine intake was purely a survival tactic as I found myself faced with gruelling senior-high-school weeks filled with maths exams, gossip to keep up with, and two little brothers who own Nerf guns. But, one fateful spring day, I took my flat white from the barista, stepped into the sunshine, and took a sip.

I don’t really know what happened. But in a single moment, coffee went from being purely an energy source to an experience: an experience that, like so many others, I began to crave daily.

And I still remember the place where I bought that coffee.

Alowishus Delicious. A (at the time) small café nestled into an alleyway in downtown Bundaberg, for whom I soon found myself employed. Over time, as I delivered hundreds of coffees to tables, served vast amounts of choc chunk cake and laughed with many a customer – I had the privilege of watching Alowishus expand from a cute corner to an alleyway of coffee culture. And as the halls filled and the night shifts got busier I only got more and more excited. About what we were creating. How far it could go. How many more unsuspecting civilians we could convert to coffee cravers. (Kidding. Well, mostly)

The secret to our success? The answer must lie in our coffee. (because; let’s admit it, no matter what the question is, ‘coffee’ is usually the answer) And our particular coffee is supplied by Sacred Grounds. 100% Arabica, the beans are sourced from different locations worldwide, including Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia and Nicaragua. However, Sacred Grounds will prove different from that of other coffee roasters, as their primary marketing point is that their products are completely organic and Fairtrade. This made Sacred Grounds a perfect counterpart for Alowishus, complementing our passion for social justice; something we ensure is evident to our customers. The final element left for the creation of a perfect coffee? The baristas.

bundaberg coffeeAmy Baldwin presenting her ‘Latte Art’ at Alowishus Delicious

If it takes 2000 hours to craft coffee – from the growing to the grinding, then all that time is dishonoured if the barista makes a bad coffee. So, realising this, our latest focus at Alowishus is keeping our coffees consistent. The level tamp, the balance of silky milk and the right amount of crema – our priority is making sure this is perfect every time, despite the barista. Under the guidance of David Lee-Schneider, Barista Coach and Café Consultant, each barista is working to ensure each beverage is true to its name: cappuccino, latte, flat white. So here is our passion: keeping our coffee consistently excellent for our customers and ourselves. Because, as Lorelai Gilmour puts it “Oh I can’t stop drinking coffee. I stop drinking coffee, I stop doing the standing and the walking and the words-putting-into-sentence doing.”

Hit up Alowishus Delicious the next time you are in Bundaberg. We’ll help you through that words-putting-into-sentence-doing thing in the best way we can.

Romy Field

This blog post first appeared at http://www.baristaguide.com/editorial/specialty-coffee-in-bundaberg/

Read more at Alowishus.com.au/blog

Bundaberg Coffee

Best Coffee Bundaberg – Voted by Bundaberg

Thank you, Bundaberg for voting our coffee the best in Bundy once again!

Hitz FM and Newsmail have both run competitions over the past couple of years and the readers and people of Bundaberg voted Alowishus to make the absolute best coffee in Bundaberg.I strongly believe that to make excellent coffee, you need an excellent barista. A great barista can make a good coffee on a rubbish machine with

“I strongly believe that to make excellent coffee, you need an excellent barista. A great barista can make a good coffee on an average machine, even with mediocre beans. Likewise, if you have a bad barista, you can give them the best beans and a state-of-the-art machine and you won’t be able to drink more then a sip.” ~ Tracey McPhee, founder of Alowishus Delicious

This is why we put all our baristas through extensive training; we call this Barista Bootcamp. From here, they are then dubbed a Coffee Samurai.  This title represents the passion, speed and precision we expect from all the baristas here at Alowishus.

Best Coffee Bundaberg

The Alowishus Team are passionate about great coffee and superb service.  We have a culture of excellence and every one of our wonderful team strives for quality and consistency each and every shift.  We love our jobs and we love coming to work.  Sure, it gets stressful at times, but we love a challenge and always rise to the occasion.

Our team could write a book about the interesting and sometimes disturbing coffee orders we get. Everything, from one shot of normal coffee plus one shot of decaf on almond milk with an equal, right through to 1/4 strength vanilla lattes with 5 sugars. Cappuccinos with no chocolate powder and lattes with cinnamon, long blacks half full of milk and skinny soy hot chocolates with extra chocolate, lots of sugar and marshmallows. But they must be on the side. It’s all in a day’s work and we love it!

Want to read more?  Visit www.alowishus.com.au

Did you try our Nutella hot chocolate last winter?  Should we bring it back? Let us know in the comments below!