Must-Know Tips To Make Your All-Day Meeting Super Productive
Bundaberg yoga and wellness coach Carmen Lee-Schneider spoke with Alowishus Catering, giving insight on how to boost productivity and keep energy levels high at meetings, workshops, trainings and other events.
4 Types Of Foods You Should Avoid Bringing To Meetings
Carmen said certain foods should be steered clear of in order to boost work productivity, and these foods include:
• Gluten – Pastas and breads have a plethora of gluten in them, and even though you get full faster, it doesn’t make employees feel like working. After all, while the body is processing these foods, it makes them feel sluggish and out of energy.
• Donuts, Pastries, Muffins, etc premarin price. – If you’re going to have an all-day meeting, these foods are loaded with sugar and can lead to a sugar crash later.
• Sugar, Lots of Sugar – While you’ll get a great energy rush when you first eat foods with sugar, they eventually cause a crash making you feel exhausted. Artificial sweeteners aren’t any better.
• Processed/Unpronounceable Foods – If you can’t pronounce a food, it’s probably processed and should be avoided.
4 Kinds Of Foods To Have At Meetings
According to Carmen, there are several primary foods that should be incorporated into any event planning in order for a successful day. Such foods include:
• Fresh Vegetables
• Fresh Fruit – Go organic to ensure fruits haven’t been sprayed with pesticides. Choose fruits that don’t have a peel or skin.
• Proteins – Go with organic or grass-fed meats as well as cage-free eggs.
• Healthy Fats – Walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, olive oil, almond oil etc.
What Breakfast Foods Should Be Offered At Your Next Meeting
When it comes to breakfast foods, there is one key food to offer your employees – eggs. Why is that? Eggs are ideal for boosting your employees’ brain power. All kinds of foods can be included in your eggs to give them more flavor and taste including but not limited to: avocado, asparagus, olive oil, salsa and spinach.
You can also include certain grains to ensure long-lasting energy bursts, which is where oatmeal comes in handy.
What Lunch Foods Should Be Offered At A Corporate Meeting
There are all kinds of healthy proteins you can serve during lunch, although chicken is regarded as the most popular. If there are vegetarians in your office, an alternative to meat protein are beans.
Along with the meat, have vegetables and salad on hand along with healthy fats such as any kind of nut, avocado, etc.
Carmen’s preferred lunch generally includes a salad with either beef or chicken, almonds or walnuts, olive oil lemon dressing and vegetables. Another one of her recommendations include beef or chicken with sweet potato and vegetables.
What Are The Best Snacks and Foods For That All-Day Corporate Event?
When you’ve got a meeting, workshop or conference going on all-day long, it’s important to provide a healthy meal. The snacks you serve between the mealtimes are going to be important to ensure employees and attendees have a plethora of energy for productiveness. Some brain-boosting powerful snacks to include for the meeting are:
• Almonds
• Fruit trays
• Vegetables with Hummus Dip
• Dark chocolate
More Helpful Tips To Ensure A Productive Meeting
Although the right foods can help with how you feel every day, there are a number of other factors that need to be considered when you plan an all-day conference or meeting.
• Environment – If the conference is being held in a dark room that offers no natural light, people are going to feel lethargic and out of energy. This kind of atmosphere is not conducive for productivity. If you can’t brighten the space up, add in light-colored linens and flowers for a bright touch. You might want to hold the meeting, or part of the meeting outdoors which stimulates creativity and increases energy levels.
• Breaks – A meeting that is going to last all day is going to need breaks incorporated in them. A 10-minute break every 90 to 120 minutes will suffice the group. Make sure to energise the attendees with music – even half a song between sessions will get them to feel productive once more.