Greef Caffeen reusable coffee cups

Wanna Go Green? Love Caffeine? Go Green Caffeen!

Alowishus introduces Green Caffeen.

Did you know that over a billion disposable coffee cups are thrown away each year in Australia? Most end up in landfill or the ocean.

That’s why we’ve already gone to great lengths to make sure our takeaway cups are made from eco-friendly materials that break down quickly and completely.

But now we are taking things a step further….

We are super-excited to up the ante on our mission to reduce waste by becoming a Green Caffeen café. Best of all, if you want to do your bit to help us reduce landfill even more, it’s FREE.

So, what is Green Caffeen?

Green Caffeen is a FREE reusable cup system for eco-focused cafes and coffee lovers across Australia. The goal is to make it incredibly easy for coffee lovers to make the switch from disposable cups to reusable cups.

In their words, “Cafes love it, coffee drinkers dig it and the planet high fives you for it.”

How Does It Work?

Step 1 – Ordering Your First Green Caffeen at Alowishus

Download the Green Caffeen app and fill in your details to register. 

NOTE: You will be asked for some credit card details even though the program is free. 

“But why?” you may ask. 

Well, you know how if you keep a library book you eventually get charged for it? If you keep your cup for more than 30 days, you will be charged $12.99 to recover the cost. 

Step 2

Order your coffee at Alowishus as usual (we give you 20 cents off for going green).

  • If ordering at the counter, let us know you are a Green Caffeen user
  • If ordering on the Alowishus app, select Green Caffeen cup when choosing your drink size

Step 3

Using the Green Caffeen app, scan the code which you will find on a sticker at the register or at the coffee machine – pick up point.

Step 4

Enjoy your coffee in your Green Caffeen cup knowing you are doing the planet a favour.

Step 5

Next time you order a coffee from us or another participating café (you can find them all on the Green Caffeen app), simply hand over your old cup and scan out a fresh one.

Here’s a Few Questions We’ve Been Asked Already…

What if I forget my cup?

Don’t worry, you can have up to two cups scanned out at any one time. Just make sure you return it to a participating café within 30 days.

Do I wash my cup before I return it?

Unless you love the smell of stale coffee in your car or office, it’s probably a good idea to rinse it out. But like all our cups, dishes, and cutlery we will wash it thoroughly and sanitise it before giving it to another customer. 

Can I just return a cup without ordering coffee?

Yes. Just hand us the cup and scan the code to say you have returned it.

What do I say to people who point out my reusable cup is plastic?

Green Caffeen cups are made from FDA-approved food-grade recycled plastic, which means they’re even greener than they look.

They’re also:

  • BPA free
  • 100% Australian made
  • Energy efficient to produce
  • Fully recyclable, when they eventually pack it in.

Be assured you’re part of the solution rather than the problem.

Got more questions?

Check out the Green Caffeen website here – they have lots of info on their website. 

Or just ask us how to enjoy your coffee and be kind to the planet.

READ – How we have reduced our waste to landfill by two whole industrial bins per week!

READ – Alowishus, queen of the Instagram feed

WATCH – A bit of background on our Pay It Forward Program at Alowishus Delicious

1 reply
  1. Jackson
    Jackson says:

    Hi team, liked the concept of Green Caffeine. Going green has become the need of the day and the idea of using eco-friendly coffee cups is just amazing. I Hope, such initiatives will help in saving the environment.


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